Showing posts with label Weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight loss. Show all posts

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Quick Weight Loss Naturally

As a weight control expert and a person who has lost sufficient amounts of weight, I often receive inquiries regarding quick weight loss. People all over the world want the secret to losing weight naturally and fast. The sad part is, a majority of these people are so desperate that they listen to and follow a lot of wrong advice. Many companies that are into big money from diet products churn out large numbers of weight loss pills and tonics. The great majority of these weight loss pills and tonics are nothing but an excuse to squeeze money out of desperate people looking for ways to lose weight quickly. Ultimately, wrong advice and useless products lead to weight gain and the crashed of any diet plan.

Quick weight loss is possible, without following any fad diets or taking in any weight loss pill or tonic. But it can happen only if you understand the mechanism that triggers weight gain and prevents quick weight loss.

Have you ever come across people who eat a lot of food without it telling on their body weight? Active teenagers also take in a lot of food without putting on extra weight. If you or I were to take in the same amount of food and balance it with the same amount of calorie expenditure, we would still put on weight. There is a reason for this difference.

The key to quick natural weight loss is an efficient metabolism. Metabolism is the process in which your body converts food into energy. The rate of metabolism is affected by a number of factors. Age, sex, body weight, food habits, physical activity, heredity and medication have a direct impact on how fast your body is able to convert food into energy.

Young people have faster metabolism than older people;
Men, in general have a faster metabolism when compared to women;
People who eat a lot of roughage have faster metabolisms then those who are partial to fast food;
People who indulge in a lot of physical activity have high metabolic rates.
Unfortunately, fad diets, yo-yo dieting and the lack of exercise can adversely affect your metabolism. Lifestyle factors such as the lack of exercise also lead to a sluggish metabolism.

As you can see, the secret to losing weight quickly and naturally is speeding up your metabolism.

You can speed up your metabolism by eating the right kinds of food, exercising well and taking in certain natural supplements that speed up the body's natural metabolic rates. This three pronged strategy will help you boost your metabolism and aid quick natural weight loss.

You can have a look at this three pronged strategy for free through this 7-day free eCourse on losing weight.

You can have a look at this three pronged strategy for free through this 7-day ecourse on losing weight

Keep up to date with the latest weight loss trends at

Your partner in weight loss success,

Leisa St Ledger

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Top 6 Herbal Tea for Weight Loss

Appearances can be deceiving. And you also your diet pills and drinks.Herbal Tea Physical fitness is one of the highly demanded needs of people everywhere in the world these days and the growing number of gyms, yoga centers, etc.. People also use to drink herbal tea that is very popular due to their efficiency and accessibility and availability.Herbal Tea But the question is, which teas you should be drinking? Here are the first six weight loss tea:
Weight Loss
green tea
Green tea is an effective weight loss tea as it burns fat. Green tea functions to decrease as the amount of fat stored in the body.Herbal Tea Apart from that, it also increases energy. Increase energy levels allow for greater strength and endurance for exercise that burns more fat.
chickweed tea birds
This is considered the appeal of a woman over obesity. This is a good remedy for constipation, cough and hoarseness.Weight Loss
Reship Thebes 
Unlike most sources of vitamin C, rose hips has a low sugar content, making it a healthy alternative for diabetics or those who choose to lose weight.Herbal Tea It has a high content of vitamin C, while its sugar content is very trivial significantly.Weight Loss
Fenugreek tea
Fenugreek tea is a great weight loss because it gives people the feeling of satiety that could greatly reduce the amount of food eaten. In recent years, has been widely used to reduce appetite and treating diabetes.Weight Loss
Dandelion best Tea 
Dandelion tea can help you lose weight quickly, as it is an effective diuretic. Being a diuretic that increases the excretion of urinary fluid. With releasing water body, its weight will drop significantly, making it look thinner.Weight Loss best Tea 
Senna Tea
It is a known laxative based plants contributes to the treatment regimens of intestinal disease and lose weight. But like any other laxative, natural or synthetic, you should fully understand their functions, indications and contra-indications to ensure safe use.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Weight Loss For Kids

Of course, because of the frantic pace of life nowadays, which often requires both parents to work, many families rely more and more on ready meals rather than nutritious home cooked meals. This together with a lack of physical exercise is of course largely responsible for the high rate of obesity in kids, and as such, I'd like to address some of the more common questions I receive from parents on a daily basis.
Is it necessary to put my child on a diet?
In short, if other kids are ridiculing your child because of their weight, then you should definitely introduce a suitable diet. Likewise, if your child is feeling uncomfortable with regards to their weight, then again, the answer is yes. In fact, the sooner you do so, the better, rather than putting it off until a later stage. To shed a bit of light on this, let be briefly explain what's called the "Fat Theory". Essentially, the amount of fat you have depends on the amount of fat cells you have, and while the number of fat cells tends to taper off as you reach adulthood, they increase for the duration of the growing period. As such, an obese child could in all likelihood have the same amount of fat cells as an adult. Unfortunately, this is not something all kids grow out of and in fact, the problem often becomes worse, hence the importance of tackling the problem as soon as possible.
What is the best age for starting my child on a weight loss diet?
While numerous unhealthy eating habits can be altered in kids of all ages, a specific diet should only be considered for kids of four years or older. First of all, you need to all but eliminate sweets, pop-tarts and sweetened cereals from the breakfast table. For the most part, these are loaded with sugar and because of this; they will affect your child's blood sugar level, thus causing your child to become increasingly hungry later in the day. Instead, make sure they rather eat protein rich foods for breakfast such as yogurt, cheese, toast, milk and etc. Another problem we need to take into consideration is the mental attitude of kids under the age of twelve. These kids often pose a greater challenge because even though they may want to loose weight, they are often only concerned about it while in the company of other kids who may ridicule them. Because of this so-called lack of vanity, parents could try encouraging them to make their own list consisting of three reasons why they would want to loose weight. This help to make the child feel as if they're in charge, rather than being pressurized by parents who sometimes come across as being food police.
Ideally, how many calories should be present in my child's diet?
Essentially, for children under the age of thirteen, the calorie count should never drop 1700 per day, even when on a weight loss diet. Dropping below this mark may stunt growth. Generally speaking, they should be consuming approximately 500 calories per day more that an adult would if they were also trying to loose weight. Furthermore, there should be no attempt made to shed more than half a pound of fat per week, both for the safety of your child, and also for other reasons. Remember, trying to enforce a diet which is too strict can often back-fire further down the line, so rather than focusing on prohibiting certain foods altogether, rather simply restrict them with regards to quantity. For example, if you child has always been allowed to drinking five or six glasses of Coke each day, you could cut this back to three or four glasses at first, and reduce it further a few weeks down the line. Bear in mind, your child's eating habits are something they've been accustomed to for as long as they can remember so it's imperative that you are there to lend them support. Also, it's crucial that you always focus praise on the changes they have made, rather than on the results they've achieved. This will allow them to feel as though they can confide in you should they have a bad week, rather than feel as though they've let you down.
Dan Clay is a renowned Sydney personal trainer & real world fat loss expert. Click here kids fitness Sydney for more information on his Sydney children personal training programs.
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Kids' Weight Loss - Weight Loss for Kids

Do you look at your child and worry about their future? Wonder if they are at risk of developing diabetes due to the excess weight they are carrying? Maybe your child is being bullied at school, suffering the torturous taunts in the playground, the name-calling - 'fatty', 'who ate all the pies?'
You can put a stop to all this now. It doesn't cost a lot of money, just a bit of effort from the whole family.
Spend at least 1 hour a day moving
This is not as hard as you may think. It may include 20 minutes walking to and from school each day, 15 minutes play at lunchtime and 25 minutes taking part in a sport, whether it is on the school basketball team or a quick session with the family at the local tennis courts.
Introduce more fruit and veg
Ban the chocolate or cookie cupboard. Cut out the temptations, if it's not in the house then the kids can't have it. Simple. Encourage them to have 5 or more pieces of fruit and veg a day. Not only will this help them to lose weight but it will give them more vitamins and antioxidants in their body.
Avoid restaurants/ fast food joints
Sure, you can order healthy foods in a restaurant but preparing and making the food at home allows you to have more control of the calorie and fat consumption. Plus, it seems unfair to take a child to McDonald's, surrounding them with burgers and fries and ordering a salad for them.
Most importantly, set a good example to your children. You are responsible for their health. Be active with your kids. Play with them. Play football, go swimming. Make it fun for the whole family. You may be busy hardworking parents but this is no excuse not to spend just an hour and day with your children. Think of the benefits - healthier children, a fitter you, and no doubt a stronger family bond.
Now this is just a quick summary of what you need to know, if you want every detail and secrets, visit How To Lose Pounds, eat more and burn more.
Read D J M other reviews on topics such as All Natural Vitamins plus tips. If you would like a step by step guide to beat the fat, be sure to visit the website.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Childhood Obesity - Is It a Cause for Worry?

Childhood obesity is a growing tendency in the United States of America. Today, one of five children in our country is overweight or obese. It is fortunate that children are not as prone to obesity-associated health risks as adults are. That however, does not change the fact that overweight children are at an increased risk of becoming obese adults with all the health problems associated, Children are also faced with the difficulties of growing up with all the stress and low self-esteem generated by obesity.
Causes of Childhood Obesity
Just as it is the case with adults, children become overweight or obese because of several contributing factors, which include:
  • Genetic factors. Although it is not uncommon that children of obese parents are overweight, causes for this are not in every case genetic. It is very probable that eating patterns observed and learned from the parents are at the root of the weight issues of the child.
  • Reduced or non-existent physical activity. Children need physical activity and if their circumstances deprive them for moving around as much as they would want to, they might start eating, simply out of boredom!
  • Unhealthy eating habits
  • Medical conditions, such as a hormonal disorder
It is highly recommended to visit a medical specialist before taking any measure in the case of obese children. It is important that medical conditions that might be the cause of obesity are ruled out before any weight loss strategy is adopted.
Childhood Obesity Health Risks
Among the most common health conditions that pester obese children one can find:
  • High levels of cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart conditions
  • Diabetes
  • Bone strengths problems
  • Heat rash, fungal infections, acne
Deciding Whether or Not a Child is Obese
It is for a medical specialist to tell if a child is overweight/obese or not. Check factors include the ratio of weight to height (BMI), age, growth patterns, etc. Given the unpredictability of growth during childhood, evaluating obesity in children is far more difficult and complex than it is in adults.
Establishing Healthy Lifestyle Habits for the Entire Family 
It is rather unrealistic to expect a child to notice that the eating and exercise habits of the family are not healthy, but it is even more inappropriate to expect a child to take the initiative and correct the mistakes on his/her own. It is essential for parents to become the change they wish to see in their child. It is the surest, quickest and safest way to convince a child, without having to think of elaborate, but empty preaches. Regular, fun family activities with a fair share of exercise such as bike trips, walks, swimming or playing sports are beneficial on many levels: slow, but steady weight loss, lifted spirits, good mood, improved self-esteem, etc.
For obese children it is probably the most important to be constantly assured about the love and support of their parents, as this is a primary condition of healthy psychological development. Feeling accepted and valued also helps obese children to cope with the high emotional demands of social life.
Dr. Timothy Ehrlich is director of bariatric surgery at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Connecticut. He performs minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Extreme Weight Loss - 7 Nutrition Tips To Lose Weight Fast

Whether you are a bodybuilder trying to shed fat for a competition, or somebody who drastically needs to drop weight in order to improve the quality of their life, this article is for you. If extreme weight loss is what you are after, then these 7 nutrition tips will help get you there in one piece. Apply this advice with consistency and you will never look back.
1. Calories - No matter what you do, calories are always going to count at the end of the day. You have to burn more than you take in or you will not drop any weight at all.
2. Deficits - Calorie deficits refer to how many calories you burned at the end of the day. Look at this from a weekly perspective. At the end of the week if you have burned 7,000 calories for example, you would see around a 1-kilogram reduction in bodyweight.
3. Don't Starve - If you think that you will drop weight by starving yourself, you are unfortunately incorrect. If you try to diet this way, your body will think that it is not being fed properly (which it isn't) and will store whatever you eat next as body fat.
4. Increase Protein - You will want to increase your protein intake if you are serious about extreme weight loss. Your body uses protein to repair and fuel your muscles before and after exercising. Generally, the higher protein diet you have, the leaner you will appear.
5. Protein and Weight Loss - The reason why protein is so beneficial to people trying to lose weight is because the body finds it hard to break down proteins, as compared to carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, your body will use more energy as a result of this and burn more fat.
6. The Effect of Glycogen - Without boring you with all of the details, glycogen plays a key role in weight loss. You should aim to empty your glycogen stores once every 2 weeks in order to maximize your progress. This is simple to perform: Every 2 weeks, eat no more than 90 grams of carbohydrates for 2 days.
7. Remember Healthy Fats - The human body finds it very hard to use its own body fat stores as energy if you aren't eating enough healthy fats everyday. Start cooking using coconut oil and eat fish at least 3 times per week to help ensure that this doesn't occur.
Nutrition is everything when it comes to weight loss and even general wellbeing. Now that you have these 7 tips under your belt, you have a better understanding of how bodybuilders and fitness models are able to achieve such extreme weight loss in such a short period of time.
John Stamford is a personal trainer, nutritionist and an expert in everything relating to fat loss. Visit his website in order to discover "One Tip That May Be Preventing You From Losing Fat", plus receive Free Updates for life at:
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Weight Loss Nutrition Help - How to Lose Weight Without the Crash

Our society puts a premium on thinness. Media has contributed a lot to the propagation of our society's notion of what is beautiful... well-sculpted figures that absolutely show no hint of fat whatsoever-by showing impossibly sexy models as the epitome of what is ideal.
Unfortunately, most mere mortals interpret fitness to mean what they see on TV and go to great lengths to look like those that they see. Some people have become so desperate to lose weight that they go into crash diets to shed those extra pounds. The consequences, however, are dire. Those who try to lose weight at the expense of nutrition punish themselves by living in a constant state of hunger that eventually leads to exhaustion and collapse. Crash diets really do live up to their name -- they literally make you crash.
Nutrition is an integral aspect in any weight loss program. Healthy food choices and moderation, coupled with exercise is the key to losing weight in a healthy way. For starters, you've got to understand variety in the kinds of foods you eat is essential. Don't get taken in by "high-protein/low carbohydrate" mindset that most fitness buffs propagate. Long-term studies on the effects of this kind of diet has not been fully established. What is certain is, maximizing on protein only is not a balanced diet.
While on any weight loss regime, your diet should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy (low fat or fat-free is infinitely better). Lean meat, fish, eggs, chicken (minus the skin) and nuts must also be incorporated into your eating plan.
Another so-called weight regimen that others follow is that of skipping meals. This is supposed to be a good method of losing weight. The problem with skipping breakfast and generally not eating anything until dinner or skipping breakfast and dinner and eating only lunch with very little snacks in between, is that it causes unbearable hunger pangs. This leads to consuming more calories than usual to compensate for the meals skipped. Ideally, it's advisable to have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner (again, with the right food and in moderation) and munch on light, healthy snacks all throughout the day. This is the best way to prevent overeating-the most common cause of weight gain.
Another set of food that has received a lot of flak-whether from miscommunication or some other cause-is dairy. Milk, cheese and eggs are foods that contain essential nutrients, calcium and protein that is important for your body's overall functioning. In choosing milk, make sure that you go for the low-fat or non-fat variety. Yoghurt is a healthy snack alternative, too.
Nuts and read meat have also been looked upon as "evil" by some fitness quarters. The fact of the matter is that nuts have protein, dietary fiber, magnesium and copper that are important in a weight loss program. Red meat, for as long as you trim off the fat and taken in moderate portions, have protein, iron and zinc that your body needs.
Losing weight does not mean not eating. It is simply a matter of healthy food choices and consuming it at the right amounts.
Learn more about the Shakeology meal replacement shake from Beachbody, my top weight loss weapon. Also, don't forget to check out this article called " Shakeology FAQ ".

Nutrition Plans For Weight Loss

One of the most successful nutrition plans for weight loss to be introduced in recent years is the Jillian Michaels weight-loss plan. The plan accounts for three major factors which influence weight loss success in the long term: self, sweat and science. The plan recognizes that the process of losing weight is both a physical and a mental one, and aims to provide a gimmick-free plan for lifelong health and fitness. The plan recognizes that all of the conflicting information about nutrition can leave many dieters feeling lost and frustrated, and breaks down exactly what you should eat to lose weight in a steady and sustainable way. The nutrition plan helps people to discover which foods are optimal for their body type and metabolic rate, the number of calories they should eat each day to ensure successful weight loss, recipes fully customized to body type that are delicious and easy to prepare, and tips and strategies for eating out without straying from your plan.
Today Show nutrition expert Joy Bauer has formulated one of the simplest nutrition plans for weight loss available. Her highly popular diet is now an easy step-by-step online diet program which is fully customized for you to get the best possible result. The plan emphasizes plenty of healthy carbohydrates such as whole grains, lean protein, fresh fruit and vegetables - plus a range of delicious and satisfying treats that you can enjoy guilt-free. There are plenty of online tools to help you along the way, including a calorie calculator which will provide you with the nutritional information of thousands of foods to help you make diet-friendly choices; a meal planner and hundreds of healthy recipes to help you get started in the kitchen; and a food log for recording what you eat during the day, so that you can track your weight loss properly. The program offers a free diet profile - participants take a quick and easy quiz and receive a personalized eating plan which is based on the principles of Joy's Food Cures.
The South Beach diet has been enormously popular in recent years, thanks to the endorsement of the diet plan by a number of high-profile celebrities, with more than 5 million copies of the book sold in the US alone. This is considered to be one of the best diets that work. Originally formulated by Dr Agatson, one of America's leading cardiologists, as a diet plan for his heart patients to improve cardiac health, it soon demonstrated its effectiveness as a weight loss plan. Like many recent nutrition plans for weight loss, the South Beach Diet is based on the principles of the GI diet. After an initial period of restricted carbohydrates, the diet slowly reintroduces foods which score low on the glycaemic index, helping to break the cycle of carb binges and emotional eating which many dieters falls into. During this first phase, simple carbs such as cereal, white bread, sweets, cake, alcohol, potatoes and bagels are banned. The diet instead emphasizes low-GI vegetables, lean meat and fish, nuts and olive oil. It is claimed that you can lose between 8 and 13 pounds within the first two weeks, and then a respectable 1-2 pounds every week after that.
For more information about these and other diets that work visit my website

The Weight Loss and Nutrition Fad

Getting in shape and being thin is all people want these days but just being thin is not what is important. The weight loss and nutrition fad that is out there is not the healthiest one. We should not want to just "get thin." We should want to eat healthy, workout, and get the nutrition we need to then have weight loss.
Men and women have different body types. Men and women can not lose weight the same way, they have to take a different approach. Men naturally have faster metabolisms than women do. So, unfortunately, it is harder for women to lose weight. Due to this, many women feel that they need to starve themselves to get thin. This is not the right thing to do. This will actually only make your metabolism slower. When you have a slow metabolism, you won't lose weight. You'll just gain more back in the end.
So, how can you achieve proper weight loss & nutrition? There are many great diet plans out there to help you get started. In reality though, all you need to do is start eating the right foods and working out. Working out is not for everyone, so make it fun. Go for a bike ride with your family or just play catch in the backyard. Whatever you have to do to get up and get moving will work. Don't think that you have to go for long runs to get into shape. That is not what you have to do. Working out can be anything that involves physical activity. So, the slogan "eat less, move more" is so true.
As for the right foods to eat, we could go on forever. Fruits and vegetables at every meal along with protein and a little bit of carbs is great. Fruits are filled with antioxidants and other nutritional things to help you maintain a healthy body weight. We also recommend that you try to eat spicy foods. Spicy foods boost your metabolism and help you shed unwanted fat. This does not mean you have to eat jalapeƱos at every meal. Just add a little red pepper here and there and you should be set. The addition of healthy supplements on a daily basis is also recommended in order to make certain you are receiving a balanced daily requirement of nutritional food. Get started today and you'll see that you too can obtain weight loss & nutrition benefits.
If you want to learn more about weight loss and nutrition please click here:

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Free List Of Low Calorie Foods

The main key to lose fat is to make sure that your body burns more calories then it consumes.
I would like to help you out in your fat burning process by giving you a list of low calorie foods.
Before I give you the list of low calorie foods I will explain to you what calories are.
Most people talk a lot about calories but in fact they don't have a clue what they are.
Definition of a calorie?
A calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. A food calorie is the amount of heat required to raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree centigrade. The more calories that the food contains the more energy it will be released when it is burned.
List of low calorie foods.
Vegetables low in calories.
- Brussels sprouts.
- Boiled potatoes.
- Broccoli
- Celery
- Mushroom
- Tomatoes.
- Watercress.
- Swede.
- Red peppers.
Fruits low in calories.
These fruits are low in calories when you eat them fresh.
- Apricot
- Melon
- Chayote
- Currants
- Grapefruit (white, red, pink)
Meat and animal products low in calories.
- Lean ham
- Lower fat hot-dogs
- Beef
- Canadian bacon
- Ground turkey
- White eggs
- Low fat cheese
When it comes to drinks water is the only thing you need. Water doesn't contain any calories at all. A few cups of coffee a day is OK too but don't add sugar to it. Tip! Next time you go to your supermarket be sure to read to read the food labels very carefully.
Low calorie diet's don't work.
As soon as you start with starving yourself your body goes into a protection state. In fact if you lose to much fat each week (2 kilos ore more) you can end up losing muscle mass. As you may now you need muscles to burn fat. Don't try out new calorie diets they online hurt your metabolic rate.
I hope you have learned something from this free list of low calorie foods article. Keep in mind that fat/weight loss is a very deep subject. You will have to read a lot more about this subject if you are serious about it.
Warning! Want to lose fat. Drugs, diets, supplements don't work.
When it comes to fat burning burn the fat feed the muscle is the only source you need.
This book is written by a world wide renominated fitness expert.
He tells you exactly why diet's don't work and how to lose body fat the correct way.
The ebook is jampacked with more than 350 pages of valuable information.
If you visit his site today he gives you a free valuable 40 pages mini ebook.
Burn your fat now
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Healthy Pizza, Low Carb, Low Fat, High Protein

Healthy Pizza! Low carb, low fat, high protein
Most people like to get stuck into a pizza with extra toppings once in a while. But what if you are on a weight loss (Fat loss diet)?
Do you cut out your favorite foods all together? Or do you find an alternative?
Here is a healthy alternative to greasy pizza that you can eat on more than the odd occasion during your diet.
What You Will Need
Chicken breast
Tomato puree
Oregano or mixed Italian herbs
Garlic powder or crushed garlic
You can add other favorite ingredients also, but be aware of this if you are dieting as all those extras can add up.
Putting Your Healthy Pizza Together
  1. First off, wash and flatten the chicken breast. Place the chicken breast on a flat surface and cover with cling film.Grab something heavy, a chair leg, bible, shoe... But a rolling pin would be ideal! Gently tap the chicken until it is about 1 cm thick all over. Take care not to damage the chicken breast too much as this will serve as our pizza base.

  2. Put a good helping of tomato puree into a bowl and mix in the garlic powder or crushed garlic to taste. (If you are not a garlic lover, you may want to skip the garlic, it is not essential but will really add to the taste)

  3. Go back to the chicken breast. I find that this method works better if you use the "underside" of the chicken breast i.e. not the smooth side. With the chicken breast flat on a surface, (Smooth side down), spread the tomato puree evenly over the full surface and put into a fridge while you prep the rest of the toppings. By doing this it gives the chicken breast chance to absorb some of the flavor.

  4. Slice the peppers, olives, onions and mushrooms and tear the spinach up into small pieces

  5. Take the chicken breast that you prepared earlier out of the fridge and sprinkle with oregano or Italian seasoning (This gives it a "Pizza" flavor)

  6. layer on the toppings. I find it best to layer on the spinach then peppers first. Then the rest of the topping on in any order.

  7. sprinkle with low fat grated cheese, this will bind the topping together. (You can put a small layer of cheese after the spinach and peppers but be aware of the amount of cheese you put on if you are on a fat loss diet.

  8. Cook in the oven on 180c for 30-35 mins or until the chicken is cooked thoroughly ( make sure that the chicken breast is cooked thoroughly before serving).

  9. I would serve this with a Jacket potato if I was not being "Carb conscious" but served on its own, this is low fat, low carb and high protein!
As always, I'm happy to get feedback on how these recipes worked out for you. Let me know how you got on.
Good luck
By James Atkinson
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